On March 18 to 20 2016 Trollhättan will be the host for approximately 300 representatives from the Friskis & Svettis organizations in Sweden. We are really looking forward to show our guests our beautiful city, and we also hope that our own organization will get some attention. We have been here in Trollhättan for the last 30 years and we are the largest non-profit organization in Trollhättan.
Our guests will have a chance to experience the Friskis & Svettis facilities in town, Folkets Hus Kulturhuset (the culture center), watch the mighty waterfalls, experience film-making at Film i Väst, and enjoy the show Swedish Hits.
Our annual meeting will take place on Saturday March 19 and chairperson will be the commissioner for our local government, Monica Hansson.
This will be a real fun event for our officials to help organize and we hope that it will get a lot of attention here in Trollhättan when the Friskis ”invasion” happens.
There will be quite a few happenings in Trollhättan during that weekend and, hopefully, we will get some media attention.
The organization will make history and Friskis & Svettis Trollhättan will be put on the map by hosting one of Friskis’ annual meetings
The planning for this event has already started and various workgroups have been created, in which officials and resources from the city of Trollhättan and SISU are incorporated.
It is a lot of fun to have the opportunity to work together with the City of Trollhättan on this event because the focus will not only be on the annual meeting but maybe even more on the fact that our city will celebrate its 100th birthday!