Most meetings require some kind of invitation from a local host or representative of a particular conference. To be the person who raises his or her hand and extends an invitation to organize the next meeting in Trollhättan, s/he needs to feel confident that Trollhättan can deliver as a host city.
To get the strong support required to invite colleagues and other partners from the rest of the country or from the world is vital. We are here for you to create a sense of security and to support you in every way possible for the meeting. Completely free of charge.
To have the desire and courage to initiate more meetings to take place in Trollhättan implies not only that focus is on one’s own activities, but it also contributes to place Trollhättan on the map, which in turn facilitates new recruitments and investments, and ultimately increased migration and the establishment of new businesses. Besides it creates a sense of pride for those who already live and work here.